COVID-19 Policy

Center Policy Changes in Response to COVID-19

In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, following the guidelines from the State of Indiana and the CDC
the center will be implemenng the following procedures to protect the children, families and staff to
the best of our ability.

As instructed by the Family and Social Services Administraon, the following policy will be effecve

  • Each child’s temperature will be taken upon drop off each day. Parents will be asked to remain
    on-site for this to occur.
  • If a child presents a temperature over 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit, you will be asked to return
    home with your child and any siblings.
  • All children in the family will be asked to remain home unl they are fever-free for 72 hours without fever-reducing medicaons, as well as free of other symptoms of diarrhea and voming
    for at least 72 hours from the last episode. This will also go for staff with children in the center.
  • All staff members will have their temperature checked upon arrival. Temperatures 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher and /or any signs of illness the staff member will be sent home. All illness guidelines applying to children will also be applied to staff.

State licensing requires that a child care program have an illness policy which includes:

* The program shall not admit children who are ill upon arrival.

* If a child becomes ill during the day, caregivers shall immediately isolate the child from other children and notify the parent to arrange for other immediate care of the child.

*Caregivers shall directly observe and supervise all children who are ill until they leave the child care program.

* The program may not readmit children who exhibit symptoms of the illness for which they were excluded.

  • Teddy Bear will remain with the opening hours of 6:30 am and closing at 5:40 pm. This has been beneficial in maintaining a clean and disinfected environment, while allowing the staff to leave the center by 6 pm. The majority of the teachers work 4- 11 hour days with a 1 hour break to keep connuity of care in the classrooms for the children.
  • Drop off and Pick up at the front door will also remain with temperature and wellness checks at drop off. Please sign your child IN & OUT on the clipboard each day to include your inials.
  • There are no plush or fabric toys in the classroom currently so that all toys and surfaces can be thoroughly cleaned each day. A low concentraon of bleach and water are used throughout the
    day along with soap and water to clean surfaces.
  • All surfaces, to include the playground equipment will be sprayed with a higher concentraon of
    bleach water aer 5:40 pm when the center is closed and children are not present.

Everyone can do their part to help us respond to this emerging public health threat. Parents should take everyday prevenve measures to help protect their family from the spread of COVID-19:

  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Encourage respiratory equee (e.g., covering coughs and sneezes with a tissue or sleeve).
  • Encourage frequent, proper handwashing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or with
    handsanitzer that contains at least 60% alcohol.
  • Keep your child at home if sick with any illness. If your child is sick, keep them at home. If their
    symptoms worsen, contact your healthcare provider.
  • Perform roune environmental cleaning. Routinely clean and disinfect all frequently-touched surfaces (e.g., doorknobs, countertops, work staons) with usual cleaning and disinfecon
    products. Follow all instructions on the product label.

As always, we appreciate our community’s support and cooperaon. You can assist us by remaining vigilant but sensible in your approach to dealing with this health concern. As you know, we are the greatest influence on our children’s reacons to these types of events. As a result, let’s remain calm, respecul, empathec, and inclusive while advocang for ourselves and others.
Please contact Melissa Day if you have any quesons or concerns regarding this new policy.

Phone: 317-842-4441
MomentPath: Melissa Day
(June 17, 2020)